Official learning outcomes

After completing this course, the student should be able to:

1. Identify and discuss works of contemporary and twentieth century American nature literature in which nature is not merely the setting, background, or casual reference point but a central subject.
2. Define ecocriticism and apply that method of literary analysis to a work of contemporary nature literature.
3. Recognize and appreciate the differences between new and traditional media in the production of literary texts.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of different literary elements and the creative process used by regional writers who explore environmental issues.
5. Analyze several forms of written expression (poem, novel, autobiography, short story, memoir, essay) and the ways in which these genres explore the relationship between nature and culture.
6. Examine the factors that shape our thoughts and actions towards nature, and what role text plays in that process.
7. Apply knowledge of the hard sciences and social sciences to the literary analysis of texts, looking at topics such as land use management, policy, ecology, resource distribution, and geology.
8. Use their own writing to summarize, paraphrase, analyze, critique, or respond to a text.
9. Present their ideas, including summary, interpretation, and critique of written texts, orally.